Oh. My. Goodness. That was one wild ride. And definitely not safe. AND THAT ENDING. Turn back while you can, dear reader. This story is not for the faint of heart. But of course, if you’re reading this, it’s already too late. So you better buckle up!
Deadwood takes place after Horseman, and our beloved characters are out in the wild, wild west of Neverica looking for a dangerous sorcerer that nearly destroyed them in Horseman.
I enjoyed the camaraderie of the characters, although, I got frustrated with them and their stubbornness. Lots of stubbornness. I LOVE the twists that Kyle Robert Shultz puts on the fairy tales, and I love finding the connections to the Beaumont and Beasley’s series as well. It makes me want to go back and reread them all.
Highly recommend. But you’ll want to read Horseman first. And if you’ve read Beaumont and Beasley, you’ll get excited about them easter eggs.
Find in here: www.kylerobertshultz.com/deadwood
The Author

Website Link: www.kylerobertshultz.com
Email Signup Link: www.kylerobertshultz.com/circle
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Instagram: instagram.com/kylerobertshultz
Kyle Robert Shultz developed the power of creating zany, fantastical worlds in his early teens, when he was bitten by a radioactive book. He is the author of multiple series set in the Afterverse, a parallel universe where myths, fairy tales, and classic stories are real events and part of history. He lives in self-imposed exile in the southern Idaho desert, far enough away from humanity to protect innocent lives should he lose control of his awesome fictional powers and rip a hole in the space-time continuum or something.
Kyle is a Christian who believes in writing high-quality stories free from agendas, politics, and objectionable content. His stories are clean, but not remotely safe. In reading them, you assume all risks—Kyle cannot be held responsible for any damage wrought upon your emotional well-being or cardiovascular health by unforeseen plot twists. When he’s not dreaming up new ways to torture his characters and readers, Kyle enjoys singing, hiking, horseback riding, and caring for a motley collection of animals.