Hello adventurers!
Summer is practically gone! Of course, considering I am in Texas, it will still FEEL like summer out there for a while.
Moving on…
Camp NaNoWriMo is over!
The kiddos are getting ready to go back to school, virtually first.
And I’m getting reading to go back to work!
Which means . . .

It's time for a Progress Report!
- I just typed THE END on the second book in the trilogy. I used Camp National Novel Writing Month to help spur me on. Of course, the manuscript is more like a bloated outline that will need to be rewritten, but I have the skeleton of a workable plot. I think. Ha! Oh, and don’t mind the mess. I had to move downstairs to start dinner and I just had to finish the story. You know…the whole…a watched pot won’t boil, but it might scorch if you push your luck. :-O
- I am working on an awesome top secret project that I hope to have finished and available by NerdvanaCon. This is our amazing school district’s version of a comic con for junior high and high school students. I presented at it last year. You can read about that by clicking here. I don’t know what this year holds, but I do know we will be there.
- AND today is a special day in the Mbewe household. Hubby and I are celebrating our 18th wedding anniversary. Quarantine style. I’ll have to share pics later. Ha!
Hope you all have a great week!
Stay safe, healthy, and read lots of books!
Happy Anniversary and God’s blessings for lots more!!!
Thank you so much!!