Hello sojourners!
Long time, it seems, since my last update. Or maybe we’ve just woken up in the Groundhog Movie, and we just keep living the same horrible day over and over. Ha!
I’ve been waiting to post an update, because life was going to change in a big way for me. If you’re signed up for my newsletter, then you already know.
Right after I posted No Vision for 202o, I got a job. I was supposed to start Monday, March 16th. I was waiting to see how much headspace I would have after the transition before I made any decisions regarding my blog and writing commitments, but as you all know, everything has been frozen in time, all of us locked in these quarantine bubbles, each of us dealing with a completely different insanity.
So, I waited.
But the days are turning into months. Ha!
2019 had me building steam and ideas for projects and blog posts for 2020, but now I don’t know how much time I can devote to them. I don’t want to go dead on social media again like I did after I began working in 2017. Unfortunately, I only have so much time and head space. We shall see what my schedule will look like once all this crazy lifts, and I will be able to start my job.
In the meantime, I’m facilitating the kids’ school work through their distance learning and hunting for toilet paper. Just kidding! Sort of. Ha!
And I'm writing!
Yes! I am still writing. Chapter 45 and counting! Well, actually, I scratched 45 and I’m rewriting 44. But I am getting close to the finish line!
Once I’m finished, my plan is to find a few readers to offer feedback on the story and dive into writing the first drafts to book two and three. We shall see!
Reading Corner...
I’ve been trying to read, but I’ve been having a really hard time focusing, processing the words. I’ve had to reread sentences a few time to understand what they were trying to say. Ugh. Anyone else struggling with that?
Currently, I’m reading
- 52 Lessons from It’s a Wonderful Life by Bob Welch
- The Emotional Craft of Fiction by Donald Maass
- Save the Cat! Writes a Novel by Jessica Brody
- Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire with the kids at night…when we have time. Ha!
- Called to Create by Jordan Raynor
Did I mention I was all over the place too???
I have a stack of fiction books, but I’m not sure what I will dive into next. I need something lighthearted and easy to read. Do you have any suggestions?
And you?
How are you doing?
Glad to finally hear something from you again. I’ve been swimming in the same bubble as you, but it’s all echoes and emptiness in my pocket. Everyone is supposed to be on-line but it feels like even that is deserted.
I’m glad to see you’re nearing the finish line with your current work. Do you plan on posting about it soon? Or maybe you have and I missed it.
As for suggestions, if you want something light-hearted, I just re-read “Trumpet of the Swans”, a child-hood favorite. Or if that’s a bit too light, maybe “Magic Kingdom for Sale” by Terry Brooks. Haven’t read that one in ages, but it’s the epitome of silly fun.
I just got a copy of “Story Peddler” which I think everyone has read but me. I’m currently reading “Out of the Silent Planet” by C.S. Lewis, but that’s science fiction. I seem to recall you don’t read much of that, though, so probably one of the others would be a better bet.
I hope your job doesn’t sweep you off to Neverblog-land again, but if so, it’s certainly understandable.
Stay safe!
Hello DJ! So glad to hear from you! Online has been an interesting experience during this time of quarantine. I feel even more isolated than ever before, even though I can scroll through my FB feed. It seems to discourage me rather than feel connected with others. Oh well, just keep swimming, eh? I feel like I’m even busier now, with facilitating the kids’ school work. Crazy, huh?
I’ll check out the books you’ve mentioned. I remember Magic Kingdom for Sale from my middle school years, but can’t remember if I read it. I did read the first book in the Out of the Silent Planet by C.S. Lewis. It was a good read. Not too science-y. Ha! I did enjoy the Story Peddler. I wrote a blog posts sharing how much the story and a few others impacted me. But I’m not sure if I’ve reblogged it since I lost all my files. It is a good book. I hope you enjoy it!
Funny thing. I won’t know about Neverblog-land and how everything is going to shake out until this fall. Our schools are closed for the remainder of this year. So we shall see!
thank you so much for stopping by!
And I should mention, we have been having major computer troubles. So, my son has been using my laptop for school, which gives me an hour a day to work on writing stuff. Just gotta roll with the punches, eh?