Hey dear readers,
How are you? Can you believe we are in October? I won’t until the temperatures cool down here. We’ve been in the upper nineties!
COME ON TEXAS!!!! You’re ruining one of my favorite months. Ha!
Anywho, we didn’t come here to talk about the weather.
I mean, we could, if you wanted to. I did contemplate becoming a meteorologist at one point in my life. Ha!
But I just wanted to give you all a little update.
I’ve set aside the murder mystery series and have plunged into rewriting a NaNoWriMo project from 2005. This story has taken off! The words are flowing, for the most part. We won’t talk about the stalling in chapter 24.
I’m also participating in inktober, where people around the world sketch a picture in ink each day. I hadn’t really intended the sketches to be related to the story, but most of them have been so far. So if you stop by my Instagram account or Facebook page, you’ll get a glimpse into the story I’m working on.
Here’s a teaser…

A young adult fantasy trilogy with elements of steampunk. We have a missing father, a dwarven pirate, a mysterious bloodstone, a quest, a spunky grandmother, and of course, dragons and a dash of true love.
Ooh – that sketch is too cute!!
awe, thank you, Kat!!!