I finally have my word for this year, for this season!
I’m only like…six months behind! It’s interesting when I think back on my No Vision for 2020 post and I’m just….flabbergasted. Discombobulated. (my hubby’s favorite word, by the way.) So much has happened, changed, going on right now. Yet despite all this, I feel anchored. On my good days. Ha!
But I’m getting distracted! Back to my word. First a little backstory.
Back in March, my hubby surprised me with the awesomest birthday party EVER. And coming from my hubby, who grew up not celebrating birthdays, who used to forget and is learning their importance to us, planned a surprise party back in the small town we had spent seventeenish years with dear friends. AND it was a Harry Potter party!!!!! Y’all. It was the best day of my life.
Unknown to me, the friends we were staying with had to get rid of me for the day of the party, so they had “planned” we would go see a movie. Unfortunately, my friend was like, I’m sorry, something comes up, I can’t go.
Clueless, I tell you!
You guys have probably guessed the movie we went to see. RIGHT before the world all shut down on us.
Y’all. I was blown away by the movie. This isn’t review for the movie. And I’ve seen some friends post mixed reactions regarding it, but for me, the story, the message, the characters resonated with me soooo much. Going in, I had thought, how can you make unicorns rodents?!?! So I was a bit skeptical at first. Ha! But when Barely put his car into drive and I saw that little scrap of paper taped over the D with the letter O written on it. I knew that Onward was my word for the year, for this season in my life. So much so, that I purchased a Barley Funko Pop with my birthday money. Now, I just need to add Ian and I will be set! Even though, I related more to Ian, it was Barley’s “onward” attitude that spoke to me.
So when the time came for me to design my planner for this upcoming year, I was inspired to create not just any cool fantasy cover, I incorporated my word for the year.
So now I’m ready to tackle the upcoming 20-21 year, which involves a huge transition for me, once again, as I enter the workforce. Well, I’m in it, from a distance right now. But hopefully this fall, life will find a new, better normal. In the meantime, I’ll play with my markers and give myself the illusion of control. Ha!
Do you do planners or do you avoid them? If you’re a planner person, which ones do you like and why?
(Which reminds me of my Confessions of Type A Creative post I did a loooooong time ago. I might have to dig that one back up.)
Have a great week!
I’ve tried using planners, but I never finish them, so I don’t buy them anymore. What works for me is simply making a To-Do List. I love lists! And I love crossing things off … and then making a NEW list. hahaha!
My word of the year is (once again) PAUSE … because I haven’t quite learned it yet. Heh.
YES! Gotta have the lists! Sometimes I even add stuff to my list just to cross it off. Ha! I’ve added space for lists in my planner, but I still use post-it notes to highlight ongoing items. Thanks for stopping by!!
Oh yeah – adding things to a list so I can cross them off. Yes! I even add things to a list that I already did so I can cross them off. hahahahaha!!!
We are such nerds!
YES to all of the above. Ha!! Whatever encourages us and keeps us going, right?