Happy Monday!!
Today, we kick off the nominations for the Silmaril Awards. I haven’t been able to participate in them since 2016 where Boromir presented the award for Best Redemption Story. So I am very excited that I am able to participate in them again.
So let’s begin!
Most Epic Heroine Silmaril Award

Who will win it? THAT is up to YOU to decide. Nominate by commenting below who you think should be recognized as the Most Epic Heroine in the realm of fantasy.
1. Just a quick reminder The creators of these awards saw that Tolkien’s characters are the gold standard by which we measure these categories, thus they are not eligible to win these awards, and why they will be presenting them. That’s right, Eowyn will be visiting my blog!
2. These awards are for FANTASY characters only! So no science fiction. Sorry! Maybe somebody will create a Star Wars/Star Trek themed award. Hmmmmm. . . . BUT, if you can convince us a certain science-fiction story has fantastical elements, please do so! (For example: The Lunar Chronicles contain elements of magic and are fairy tale retellings, thus making them eligible for nomations.)
3. When you nominate your character, please mention which book they are from.
4. You may nominate as many characters as you wish and “second” as many characters as you want. **But please, do not second your own nominations.** The top five MOST seconded characters will go on to the final voting round.
5. If you are an author, you are welcome to participate, but please refrain from nominating your OWN characters. You may, of course, direct your fans to this event, though.
6. Characters who have won in a particular category in a previous year are ineligible to be nominated for the same award again. The Silmarils are Lifetime Awards. For a list of the previous winners in each category, please check out our Hall of Fame.
7. Please remember that these are Fantasy Book Awards. Therefore, a movie character is only eligible for nomination if they were a book first!
8. AND of course, most importantly, have fun! We are celebrating our favorite characters and look forward to seeing who YOU think should win. Don’t forget to go visit the other participating blogs to nominate your favorite characters for the other Silmaril Awards!
September 2nd: Nominations open
September 9th: Voting begins
September 16th-27th: Awards will be announced on the various sites of the various presenters each weekday during this time.
And there is a Facebook Group for those of you who’d like to meet up, discuss nominations, and such, join by clicking here!
Previous winners
- 2018 Aravis from The Chronicles of Narnia
- 2017 Lucy Pevensie from The Chronicles of Narnia
I nominate:
Mina (Bright Empires series by Stephen Lawhead)
Eilonwy (Prydain Chronicles by Lloyd Alexander)
Sophie (Howl’s Moving Castle by Diana Wynne Jones)
Echo (Echo North by Joanna Ruth Meyer)
Ginny (Paper Crowns by Mirriam Neal)
Cordelia Beaumont (The Beast of Talesend by Kyle Robert Shultz)
Wow, quite the list!
Audrey from Huntress/ Warfare / Dominion by Julie Hall
I second Sophhie!!!
I second Sophie!
Ooh, I second Eilonwy and Cordelia.
I second Mina, Sophie, and Ginny! 😀
I second Eilonwy!
I second Cordelia!
I second Cordelia Beaumont!
I second. . . Everyone you mentioned! 😀 They are some of the best.
I second Eilonwy and Cordelia!
I second Cordelia Beaumont, Pet (Between Jobs), Emma (Fawkes), Kyrin Altair and Renna Faithe.
I nominate Princess Rosanna of Dagger’s Sleep and Midnight’s Curse.
I second Kyrin!!!
Seconding Kyrin!
I second Rosanna, Kyrin Altair, Emma, and Renna.
I second Emma (from Fawkes) and Kyrin Altair!
I Second Kyrin Altair and Renna Faithe.
I second Sophie. Anyone who can put up with Howl for that long and not smack him over the head that often deserves three awards.
I wholeheartedly second Sophie, Ginny, and Cordelia!
I’ll second Sophie, Ginny, and Cordelia!
Seconding Sophie, Echo, and Cordelia!
I nominate Tamara from The Iron Trial and the rest of the Magisterium books by Holly Black and Cassandra Clare.
Awesome, thanks!
I second Tamara!
Pet from Between Jobs/Shifts etc by W. R. Gingell
Pet sounded very intriguing! Although, I haven’t read the books yet. Thanks for stopping by!
I enthusiastically second Pet!!!
Allis from If Wishes Were Curses by Janeen Ippolito
Awesome, thanks!
I second this nomination!
I second Allis!
I nominate Selene Ravenwood from The Ravenwood Saga!
I also nominate Sairu from Golden Daughter!
I ALSO nominate Harry Crewe from The Blue Sword.
Oh, Selene and Sairu, yes! Haven’t read The Blue Sword. Thanks for stopping by!
I second Selene Ravenwood!!
I second Sairu and Harry Crewe! Hurrah for our warrior girls!
I second Sairu!
I second Selene!
Ooh, yes, I was going to nominate Sairu. I second this!
I second both Selene and Sairu!
Second Selene! I’m kind of thinking of nominating her for least competent henchmen as well. . . for laughs. 😀
I second Sairu!
I second Sairu!
Wait, I already seconded her earlier. Never mind!!!
I second Selene Ravenwood!
I second Selene! Love that series!
I second Selene.
I second Selene!
I nominate Lady Cordelia Beaumont from Kyle Robert Shultz’s Beaumont and Beasley Series and as a second nominee, I nominate Amelia (Amy) Crockett from Kyle Robert Shultz’s Crockett and Crane Series.
Oh! Good ones!
I second Amy Crockett
Eee, I second Amy Crockett!
I second Amy!
I definitely second Amy Crockett! 😀
I nominate Sairu and Starflower/Imraldera, both from the Tales of Goldstone Wood.
Oh, yes!!! Good choice! I love both of them!
I second Starflower/Imraldera and Sairu!
I second Sairu and Starflower/Imraldera!
I also nominate:
-Emma from Fawkes by Nadine Brandes
-both Rhen and Seleni from To Best the Boys by Mary Weber
-Mina from the Bright Empires series by Stephen Lawhead
-Nastya from Romanov by Nadine Brandes
-Sarai from Strange the Dreamer by Laini Taylor
(So many awesome ladies!)
I second Nastya!
I second Emma from Fawkes!
I second Eilonwy and Sophie and nominate Alyss and Evanlyn from Ranger’s Apprentice, Kyrin Altair from Ilyon Chronicles, Renna from The Blades of Acktar, Cress, Cinder, and Scarlet from The Lunar Chronicles, and Vrell Sparrow from The Blood of Kings.
I second Alyss, Evanlyn, Cress, CInder, Scarlet, and Vrell!
I second Kyrin, Renna, and Vrell.
I second Alyss and Evanlyn.
I second Kyrin Altair.
Ooooh, I second Renna. And Kyrin, Alyss, Evanlyn and the Lunar chronicles characters.
I second Cress, Cinder, Scarlet, and Vrell!
I second Emma!
I second Nastya!
I second Emma! I haven’t quite finished Fawkes yet, but she’s already proven herself to be epic.
I second Nastya, Seleni, and Sarai!
Seconding Rhen, Nastya, and Sarai! (not that I don’t love Seleni, please don’t think that XD)
I second Starflower/Imraldera!
I second Starflower/Imraldera!
MASSIVE second for Imraldera!
I definitely second Imraldera!
Imraldera! YES. Definitely second her!
Antigone from The Ashtown Burials series, by N. D. Wilson.
Meg from the Crockett and Crane series, by Kyle Robert Shultz.
Maraly Weaver from The Wingfeather Saga, by Andrew Peterson.
I second Meg.
I second Meg!
So many good ones already mentioned!
I second:
Cordelia Beaumont
I nominate:
Cimorene from Dealing with Dragons by Patricia C. Wrede
Nyssa Glass from the Nyssa Glass series by HL Burke
Shannon from the Dragon and Scholar series by HL Burke
Baili from Blood in the Snow by Sarah Pennington
Niya from Spice Bringer by HL Burke
Leah from Common by Laurie Lucking
Jathil and Ayianna from Secrets Kept by JL Mbewe 🙂
I second Nyssa
I second Shannon
I second Niya
I second Nyssa Glass!
I second Baili!
Baili and I thank you for the nomination!
Seconding Cimorene!
I second Cimorene.
I second Cimorene!
Seconding Baili and Niya!
Awe, thanks Jenelle!! 😀
Also want to nominate Gwendolyn from Aeronaut’s Windlass
Seconding Gwendolyn!!
I second:
-Sophie from Howl’s Moving Castle
-Cordelia Beaumont from Beaumont and Beasley.
-Sairu from Golden Daughter
-Imraldera/Starflower from Goldstone Wood
-Maraly Weaver
I nominate:
-Shallan from The Stormlight Archive
-Vin from Mistborn
-Steris, also from Mistborn
-Isabelle and Poly from the Two Monarchies series
Additional nominations that I forgot about until a moment ago:
-Gwendolyn Lancaster from The Aeronaut’s Windlass
-Sabriel from the Abhorsen Chronicles
Yes!–I second Sabriel.
I second Vin!
I second Vin!
I very very very much second Shallon and Vin.
I second Vin, and Maraly Weaver.
Seconding Vin and Shallan! They’re both pretty epic.
Seconding Shallan, Vin, and Steris!!
I just HAVE to nominate my Lunar Chronicle girls! I nominate Cinder, Scarlet, Cress, and Winter!
I second all four of them!
Seconded as well!
I second Cress
I second Cress, Scarlet, and Cinder!
I second all four of them for sure!
Seconding Cinder and Scarlet (to make for uneven competition, though I love them all 0=D)
I nominate Leodora (Leo) from H. L. Burke’s Heart of the Curiosity
I second Burke’s Niya from Spice Bringer
I nominate Brierly from Sarah E. Morin’s Waking Beauty and Abbagael Rivynfleur from Wayne Thomas Batson’s Dark Sea Annals/Myridian Constellation series.
I second Shallan from the Starlight Archive and both Vin and Steris from Mistborn. And definitely Sairu as well!
I second Shallan!
I second Abbagael Rivynfleur!
I second Abbagael Rivynfleur!
I nominate
-Hawk from The Blood Race Trilogy
I nominate Tiffany as well aa the Princess from Severed Veil by Bethany A. Jennings
I second Eilonwy, and I nominate:
Meg Murry from A Wrinkle in Time, Madeleine L’Engle
Ella from Ella Enchanted, Gail Carson Levine
Aza from Fairest, Gail Carson Levine
Miri from Princess Academy, Shannon Hale
Annabeth from the Percy Jackson Series, Rick Riordan
Snail from the Seelie Wars, Jane Yolen
Gorse from Curse of the Thirteenth Fey, Jane Yolen
Susan Pevensie
Jill Pole from The Silver Chair
Matilda, from Matilda, Roald Dahl
Oh, I forgot to mention that though Matilda is set in our world, and has pretty much no fantasy aspects, Matilda is able to move objects with her mind during a good portion of the book. I’m pretty sure the book would be classified as Magical Realism. Not sure if it qualifies or not.
I second Ella and Matilda
I second Meg, Ella, Aza, Miri, Annabeth, Susan, Jill, and Matilda.
I second Jill and Susan.
I second Jill!
I second Ella, Annabeth, Susan, and Jill!
I second Miri, Annabeth, and Ella!
Seconding Annabeth, Ella, and Jill.
I second the previously mentioned Eilonwy.
Nominating Arya from the Inheritance Cycle.
I nominate:
-Ailith from Hannah Heath’s “Sounds of Deceit”
-Jayel from Hannah Heath’s “Flames of Courage”
-Queen Gwen from Janelle Garrett’s “The Hidden Queen”
-Anissa from E.B. Dawson’s “Lost Empire” trilogy
I nominate Princess Buttercup from the “Princess Bride”.
I second Princess Buttercup!
Buttercup! That’s a good one. I second her!
I nominate Heather Longtreader of the Ember Rising series.
I second Heather!
I second Heather!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I nominate Tanwen from The Story Raider, Cinder from the Lunar Chronicles, Eilonwy from the Chronicles of Prydain, Nasuada from the Inheritance Cycle, and Bonnie from Dragons in Our Midst.
I second Tanwen and Bonnie!
I second Tanwen, Bonnie and Nasuada!
I second Tanwen and Bonnie.
I second Tanwen and Bonnie!
I nominate Hanako from The Dragon’s Flower by Wyn Estelle Owens
I nominate Heather Longtreader from Ember Rising!
Oops. I’m sorry. I didn’t realize it worked the first time.
No worries! Thanks for stopping by!
I nominate Eddis and Attolia from the Queen’s Thief series by Megan Whalen Turner. (I wish it wasn’t such an obscure series, cause they are so epic, along with everything else in the series.)
I second Eddis and Attolia! I love the Queen’s Thief!
So glad you love it too!
I second Eddis and Attolia!!!!
I second:
And I nominate:
Maddie and Evanlyn/Cassandra from Ranger’s Apprentice by John Flanagan
Rosanna from Beyond the Tales by Tricia Mingerink
Kale from DragonKeeper Chronicles by Donita K. Paul
Koren from Dragons of Starlight by Bryan Davis
Anidori (Isi) and Enna from The Books of Bayern by Shannon Hale
I second Kale, Anidori (Isi) and Enna!
Oh, I second Koren! 😀
I second Isi, Rosanna, Enna and Kale.
I second Kale and Koren!
I second Rosanna!
I second Maddie and Evanlyn!
I second Eilonwy and Kyrin.
I nominate:
— Sara Cobbler from the Wingfeather Saga (Andrew Peterson)
— Aravis from The Horse and His Boy (C.S. Lewis)
— Kale from The DragonKeeper Chronicles (Donita K. Paul)
— Menolly from The Harper Hall Trilogy (Anne McCaffrey)
— Sarene from Elantris (Brandon Sanderson)
— Egwene Al’Vere from The Wheel of Time (Robert Jordan)
I second Sara Cobbler!
I second Sara Cobbler, too!
I second Sara Cobbler!
I heartily second Sara Cobbler! And Aravis.
I second Aravis!
Oops, never mind on Aravis! 😛
Seconding Sarene and Egwene for sure!
I nominate:
-Keeva from “Fairest Son” by Hannah Williams
-Breen from “Mechanical Heart” by Sarah Pennington
-Psyche from “Till We Have Faces” by C.S. Lewis (this counts as fantasy, yes? Gods/magic and such?)
-Gretta from “The Madman of Elkriahl and Other Fairy Tales” by Emmarayn Redding
-Isolde from “Shiloh” by Helena Sorensen
I also second my nominations (and shall likely think of more to nominate before the day is out). 😛
I second Keeva! <3
Psyche? Oh, good nomination! I second Psyche!
I second Psyche
Ahhhh! Breen is astounded that she’s been nominated, and we both thank you muchly!
Also, I second Keeva.
I second Keeva and Gretta!
Sooo I just came from another host for The Silmaril Awards, and the rules she has posted on her site say that we’re not allowed to second our own recs (but I haven’t read that on any of the other blogs so far; it’s been “nominate and second as many characters as you want”)?
In which case, I apologize, but would like my recommendations to remain, and shall resubmit if necessary. 🙂
Hi Marlene! No worries, I will not count your “seconds” of your own recs. And I will make sure to update the rules. Thanks!
And I just realized that Aravis won previously, so nix that nomination. Sorry, guys!
No worries, I forgot to include it earlier!
I second:
Alyss & Evanlyn/Cassandra (Ranger’s Apprentice)
Vrell Sparrow (Blood of Kings)
Cimorene (Enchanted Forest Chronicles)
Shallan (Stormlight Archive)
Vin (Mistborn)
Susan Pevensie & Jill Pole (Narnia)
and nominate:
Hermione Granger (Harry Potter)
Jasnah Kholin (Stormlight Archive)
I second Vrell and Hermione!
I second Vrell and Hermione too!
I also second Cimorene!
I second Cimorene and Jasnah.
I definitely second Hermione!
I feel like I’m spamming, but I have one more nomination. XD
-Rowen from Morgan L. Busse’s Follower of the Word series
haha, no worries! And Rowen is a good one!
Also (I’m ashamed I didn’t think to nominate these incredible ladies sooner…) I nominate Bonnie Silver and Ashley Stalworth from Bryan Davis’ Dragons in Our Midst series and Sapphira Adi from his Oracles of Fire series!!
I second Ashley and Sapphira! (I already seconded Bonnie somewhere above…)
I second Ashley and Sapphira!
I nominate Zhu Baili from Blood in the Snow by Sarah Pennington!
I second Baili! I really liked her. 🙂
I second Baili!
I second:
-Cordelia Beaumont
-Selene Ravenwood
-Amelia Crockett
-Meg (from Crockett & Crane)
-Jill Pole
I add nominations for:
-Ishtaka from “Vengeance Hunter”
-Princess Irene from “The Princess and the Goblin”
I second Princess Irene!
I second Irene!
Thanks! But the nominations are closed now.
I nominate:
Juliet from Bright Smoke, Cold Fire
Sylvie from Halayda (Star-Fae Trilogy)
Cinderella from The League of Princes series by Christopher Healy
I nominate Clara from Water Princess, Fire Prince and Robin from the Bookania series
I second Clara.
I second: Eilonwy, Sophie , Cordelia Beaumont, Alyss and Evanlyn from Rangers Apprentice, and Cimorene.
WOW, I haven’t been here in awhile. So many good choices!
I second:
Amy Crockett
Vrell Sparrow
Meg from Crockett and Crane
Nyssa Glass
Baili from Blood in the Snow
Leah from Common
Isabelle (unless it’s actually Isabella? I don’t remember. XD) from Two Monarchies
Leodora (Leo)
Ella from Ella Enchanted
Princess Buttercup
Princess Irene
Renna from The Blades of Acktar
Leetra from The Ilyon Chronicles
Tanwen from The Story Peddler
I second Leetra!!!!!!!! I love Leetra!
I second Renna!
I second Sophie from Howl’s Moving Castle! I also nominate Lorelai from the Shadow Queen!
I second Lorelai!
I second Lorelai!
I second Cinder (Lunar), Bonnie Silver, and Hanako!
I second Bonnie Silver
And I nominate Sapphira Adi from Oracles of Fire!
I nominate Kamarie from The Minstrel’s Song
I second Kamarie from The Minstrel’s Song. 🙂
I second Kamarie.
I nominate Brandi Faythe from Blades of Acktar, and Kayleigh, too. And Morrigan Crow from Nevermoor, and Ela Roeh from Books of the Infinite. And Princess Ari from The Wish Granter. Also, I second Leetra and Rowen.
I second Brandi, Kayleigh, and Ela!
Harry crewe from the blue sword
Ginny from paper crowns
Psyche from till we have faces
I nominate:
Anqelique from apprentice of magic and curse of magic and the timeless fairy tale series by km shea
Rakel from the snow queen series by km shea
Gwendafyn from royal magic, by km shea
All the female main characters from the timeless fairy tale series by km shea (there are thirteen of them, I love her books)
Lady Linnea, from rumplestiltskin the timeless fairy tale series
Zara, from shadow and thorn, by Kenley Davidson
Persephone from the concord coalition, by kenley davidson
Joelle from emissary by Thomas Locke…. I’ve just got too many favorite heroines to name, and not a good enough memory and the patience to list them all…
I haven’t seen Leeli Wingfeather mentioned yet, so I nominate her!
I nominate:
-Kestra from Traitor’s Game
-Sophie from Keeper of the Lost Cities
-Varvare from Goldstone Wood
KEEVA!!!!!! *grins*
I nominate laidra, from coiled by h.l. Burke.
I second hermione, from Harry Potter
I second Kamarie and Leeli!